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If you’re looking for all the latest HTC news, you’ve come to the right place.  HTC Nation was the first blog on the web to offer exclusive coverage of HTC and their products.  If you have questions about HTC’s Android or Windows Mobile phones, we’re probably answered most of them in our blog posts over the past years.

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Editor-in-chief - C.E.O


About Afnan Ali Awan

Tech enthusiast, Android user and founder of the first HTC blog – Afnan Ali Awan has been blogging about HTC phones before most people knew what a smartphone even was. Over the years Afnan has owned and tested dozens HTC devices and is constantly flashing new ROMs to his Android phones.


  1. Hola! A ver si me puedes ayudar...
    Estoy intentando instalar la misma template que tienes tu en tu blog pero no puedo poner la parte de las noticias que aparece en medio.. Tu como lo hiciste? Me podrias ayudar por favor?
    Muchas gracias! Saludos!


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