Sunday, 28 April 2013

Pre-orders for HTC One Developer Edition placed on back-order due to “shipping issues”


The HTC One can now be purchased from AT&T, Sprint and at least a half dozen third part retailers starting today, but those who pre-ordered the 64GB developer edition and 32GB SIM unlocked model will not be getting their devices for a while even though they were promised an April 19th delivery date. HTC ShopAmerica sent out an email this morning to those who pr-ordered the devices through HTC’s branded store, informing them that shipping issues are to blame for the delay.
To make things worse, the email also informs pre-order customers that the free HTC One Double Dip case which was to be included with the device will be delayed until mid-May due to “overwhelming demand.”
We have an important update about your order. Due to shipping issues with the 32G unlocked and 64G Developers Editions of the New HTC One®, there will be a slight delay in shipping your HTC One® to you. We expect to have your phone delivered to you, via overnight shipping, before the end of April. We’ll do everything we can to get it shipped to you as soon as possible.
Also, due to overwhelming demand, there will be a delay in shipping your free case. We expect to begin receiving the Double Dip cases in mid-May, and will ship them as soon as they’re available.
We understand the excitement and anticipation that comes with a new phone, and we are confident that the HTC One® will exceed that anticipation.
Everyone reading this blog knows that we are huge supported of HTC and we typically come to their defense since we know the unique challenges that the company faces, but we cannot defend them this time. HTC has delayed the US launch of the HTC One by nearly a month. Since they manufacture their own phones, they know exactly how many devices they have on hand and how they will be distributed. At this point, HTC is simply asking for bad press, especially when they are dropping the ball with customers who are purchasing the HTC One directly from them at full retail price.


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