Last night, Samsung unveiled the Galaxy S 4 at Radio City Hall in New York City. The phone features many of the same internal components as the HTC One, but many journalists and consumers have started criticizing Samsung for integrating gimmicky, useless features which most people will only use once or twice simply to show them off to their friends.
Since Samsung is currently the most popular Android manufacturer in the world, HTC has chosen to go on the offensive and point out why the HTC One is a better option than the new Samsung Galaxy S 4. HTC’s Chief Marketing Officer, Ben Ho, released a handful of statements last night, claiming that the “Samsung spent more on marketing than innovation” and that the Galaxy S 4 is simply “more of the same” and “pales in comparison” to the “mouth-watering design” of the HTC One.
“With a continuation of a plastic body, and a larger screen being the most obvious physical change, Samsung’s new Galaxy pales in comparison to the all-aluminum unibody HTC One.“This is more of the same. HTC remains the best option for those people looking for the best technology wrapped in premium design. Our customers want something different from the mainstream, who appear to be the target for the Galaxy.“Our customers want original cutting-edge technology, mouth-watering design and a premium feel from their mobiles, which is why we created the HTC One.”“Looking at the software features of the S4, we think Samsung spent more on marketing than innovation.”
HTC event took its Samsung Galaxy S 4 attack to twitter, dubbing the device as #theNextBigFlop. While we applaud HTC’s confidence in the HTC One, calling the Galaxy S 4 a flop may be taking things a bit too far. In our book, the HTC One is a superior device to the Samsung Galaxy S 4, but that doesn’t change the fact that Samsung will outsell HTC in 2014 by a huge margin. The better phone doesn’t always win the battle.
What’s your take on the Samsung Galaxy S 4 and HTC’s comments about it? Has HTC gone too far or is this the attitude that they need in order to gain back market share in 2013?
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