Thursday, 7 February 2013

HTC marketing teaser leaves us with more questions than answers


It’s not unusual for a technology company to put out marketing teasers about upcoming products, but we’re not exactly sure what to make of this latest piece from HTC. The promo image, featuring a heart connected to a circuit board, was sent out to members of the press in Germany and simply declares ALIVE SOON!
We know that HTC is holding a press event in New York and London on February 19th and we’re pretty sure that the HTC M7 will be the phone taking the stage. What we don’t know is how a heart powered circuit board fits into all of it. We could probably throw out a few theories as to why the promo makes complete sense, but we’d be pushing the boundaries of our credibility. Our safest (and probably the most accurate) guess is that HTC is just trying to stir things up a little in the media with an odd image in an effort to create even more awareness around the upcoming HTC M7.
Let’s have a little fun of our own. What crazy new feature do you think HTC will include in the M7 which merits such a disturbing promotional piece?


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