Thursday, 21 February 2013

Full HTC One press event and highlight reel now available for your enjoyment


It’s been less than 24 hours since HTC unveiled the HTC One, but if you’ve craving a closer look at what happened at HTC’s press conference in London; we have exactly what you’re looking for. HTC has just uploaded two new videos which show the official unveiling of the HTC One and an overview of the entire event.
If you have about 40 minutes, we definitely recommend watching both videos. Peter Chou and Scott Croyle do an amazing job at introducing the new phone. Those of you with only five minutes to spare, the highlight clip should give you all the important details.
Let us know what you think of the videos and of the event. Did any of you make it to the HTC One after-party in New York or London and get a chance to test out the HTC One?


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