A new picture has hit the web, claiming to have been captured by the upcoming HTC M7 (aka the HTC One). The image surfaced on flickr with exif data claiming that it was captured by HTC’s upcoming flagship device, but we’re not too sure that it’s indicative of HTC’s new ultrapixels technology. The image itself is only 512 x 288 pixels with a dpi of 72. Even if HTC’s new ultrapixels technology uses three 4.3 megapixel layers to output a single image, we’re sure it would be much larger than this image’s 0.1 megapixels.
Typically, exif data is a great source of information, but there’s really nothing here that matches up with what we already know, besides the HTC One name. Editing picture exif data is as simple as going into image properties in Windows Explorer and changing the exif information under the details tab. It’s impossible to know if the exif data of the alleged picture from the HTC One has been modified, but we’re certainly hoping that it has.
What are your thoughts on the matter? Do you think the image is genuine or is someone trying to get a little bit of attention as we get closer to the unveiling of the HTC M7?
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