It looks like images of the upcoming HTC M7 device continue to leak out. The latest image from @evleaks supposedly comes from a SIM card installation tutorial that was included in an early release of the HTC M7 firmware. This new image portrays a white device with glass covering the front of the device and no bezel on the side. Additionally, you will notice micro drilled holes below the screen. Could this mean the presence of front-facing speakers on the M7? Another interesting fact is that HTC is looking to include an IR port on the new M7, allowing the device to function as a remote.
While it’s nice to see leaked device images, one of our sources (who has spent time with the HTC M7) indicated to us that the image presented is “not even close” to how the actual HTC M7 looks. Our source continued on and stated that the previously leaked image of the HTC M7, “matches up a lot better” to the actual device.
The Mobile World Congress is next month in Barcelona and we should get the official unveiling of the HTC M7 at that time. Tell us your thoughts on this new device. Do you feel that an IR port and possible front-facing speakers are enough to help HTC’s sales this year?
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